Office of the Clerk
The Clerk is the Administrative Head of the County Assembly and the Accounting Officer/ Authorized Officer for the County Assembly, Secretary to the CASB. He is responsible for all policy and organizational matters relating to the County Assembly, enhancing public understanding and knowledge of the work of the County Assembly and increasing public accessibility.
The Clerk is also responsible in dealing with external relations including international relations, Inter-County Assembly relations conferences and protocol. He is the Principal Adviser to the Speaker of the County Assembly, other Presiding Officer and to all Hon. Members including the Chairman and the County Assembly Management Board on all County Assembly procedures, practices, convention and traditions.
As the Chief advisor to the Speaker in the exercise of all powers and functions that belong to the Speaker and through him to the House, he acts under authority and takes decisions on admissibility of notices in the name of the Speaker.ย Orders passed by the Clerk are the orders in the name of the Speaker and the latter accepts full responsibility for those orders.
Mr. Jenard Mwiggeh
The Clerk
County Assembly of Nyeri