Procedure & Legislative Services
Procedure and Legislative Department
Headed by the Deputy Clerk Mr. Francis Kariuki the Procedure and Legislative Department is mandated with marshaling business for the County Assembly, offering legislative and procedural advice to Members, Staff and the public and giving secretariat services to different committees. Other roles include Public participation in legislative process including responding to inquiries from Members, staff, public and other legislative bodies. The Department is also responsible to the Clerk of the County Assembly.
It is also mandated with managing and actualizing the table office as shown here-under:-
- To establish legislative, procedure and committee services as a functional, responsive and supportive department of County Assembly of Nyeri.
- Preparation and publication of record of proceedings of the Assembly, records of current and outstanding business and information on the business of the Assembly.
- Processing of tabled documents and maintenance of safe custody of Assembly records, and provision of a document distribution and inquiries service (motions, statements, tracking of bills).
- Provision of secretarial/administrative support to Assembly committees through information technology.
- Processing legislation and producing documents to assist in the legislative process.
Processing legislation and producing documents to assist in the legislative process.
- Preparing and publishing formal and informal records of Assembly business, including the Notice Paper, the Journals of the Assembly, the Order of Business (daily program, the Assembly Daily Summary and a range of statistical records.
- Processing and archiving tabled papers and other Assembly records.
- Responding to inquiries and undertaking document distribution services.